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Frequently asked questions

What is a slug?

Internet sites consist of a domain (e.g. and then pages, which are contained within the domain. The pages may in turn contain other pages and so on.

In order to tell the search engine and the browser how to reach them, an address is used that tells it within which page to fetch the content. That address is called URL and is written in a particular way to be readable by browsers without problems.

For example, the Wikipedia page about the European Cat can be found here:

The domain is: while the folder containing the European_cat page is called wiki. URLs make use of / slashes and - dashes to avoid using spaces and other characters that browsers read badly.

How do I put a header in the text body?

In the text editor of a post, select the text you want to edit and then in the formatting bar at the top click Type... > Heading. A drop-down menu will open where you can select the type of heading - from Level 1 to Level 6.

How do I undo formatting done in the text editor?

In the text editor, click the backward arrow in the formatting bar at the top to undo all changes and entries made.

How do I insert a link in the post?

To insert links, in the text editor of a post select the text you want to make clickable.

Now go to the formatting bar (the one where you can put bold and italics) and click on the chain icon, the fourth one from the left.

In the small panel that opens, enter the link in the field called Link target and press enter. You can also insert a label that will appear when users mouse over the link if you fill in the Title field.

In the text editor of a post, select the link you want.

Now go to the formatting bar (the one where you can put bold and italics) and double-click the chain icon, the fourth one from the left.

In the small panel that opens, enter the new modified link in the field called Link target and press enter.

How do I edit a post?

To access the editing of already existing content, from the content list click on the line of the content you wish to edit.

Editing proceeds in the same way as creating the editor, since the fields are the same. P

To apply the changes, click Publish.

How do I change the order of posts in a library?

Posts are sorted according to their publication date. By changing the publication dates, you can create the sorting you want.

How do i delete a post?

Se vuoi eliminare un contenuto, dal dettaglio di un contenuto entra nella sezione SEO e Socials e apri il pannello in fondo Sezioni avanzate. Qui trovi la scheda in rosso Eliminazione contenuto

Cliccandolo, appare un pannello dove viene chiesta la definitiva conferma. Cliccando sul pulsante Conferma, il contenuto verrà eliminato

Come con la modifica dello slug, se un post è stato indicizzato sui motori di ricerca o condiviso come link sui social, eliminandolo renderà il link vuoto e non funzionante e potrebbe danneggiare la strategia di posizionamento sui motori di ricerca o social.

I do not see any library that has been created

To view libraries and content make sure you have configured the Resources viewer role. Super Admins in organisations can make role changes.

If you have the role active and cannot see the libraries and content anyway, please report the bug to us.

I cannot upload pictures

To upload images, make sure that

  • the post has already been published. If you are creating a post, publish it before proceeding to upload images.
  • the file you are uploading is in image format (PNG, JPG, JPEG or GIF)

If you still cannot upload images, please report the bug to us.

I do not see the additional data online

The additional data are not displayed on the online pages of websites as they are useful tools for web developers to implement additional functionalities.

The changes I have made cannot be seen online

Changes to content and blogs take a few minutes to propagate throughout the system. After publishing changes, wait a minute or two and then reload the page.

If you do not see them online after more than 20 minutes, report the bug to us.
