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Understanding the Invoice/Detail system

In RevasOS we tried to implement an invoicing system that allows for a great deal of flexibility when it comes to data input. Our system for inputting invoice data tires to replicate the structure of invoices you are already familiar with.


An invoice is a system entry meant to translate the idea of the physical invoice that you are already familiar with. It is composed of a total due sum, a customer/supplier and a due payment date. It acts as a container of invoice-details and helps keeping the financial flow view of te organization tidy. Usually every invoice is linked to one financial movement.


Details in the Invoices app represent the single items that every invoice is made of. This makes so that even if a supplier sends out one single invoice you can still input the different details, even dividing them into different budgetlines for the projects of the organization. This allows for a more punctual management of the financial flow of the organization.
