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Managing revenues in Invoices

After opening the Invoices app in RevasOS you will be met with a quick view of all the expenses you have registered in RevasOS. To see the revenues simply click on All documents under the Revenues section in the lest sidebar of the app. To register revenues in RevasOS please read the add a new revenue quick guide.

Adding details to revenue invoices

If one invoice has more than one item you can add them by adding details to an invoice. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Open the Invoices app in your RevasOS environment;
  2. Select the invoice you want to add details to from the All documents view in the Revenues section;
  3. Click on Add detail;
  4. Add a description, quantity and price. You can also add a budget line;
  5. Click Save; If you need to add more than one detail simply repeat steps 3 and 4 for all the details.


Different details in the same invoice can fall into different budget lines.

Filtering invoices

The Invoices app offers you two main views of your invoices:

  • the All documnents view shows you all the invoices categorized in a year/month system. This view only shows the invoice's total and not the single items listing;
  • the Expenses details view shows you the invoices divided into items still categorized in a year/month system This view also allows you to filter invoices based on whether they have been accounted for in a budget line or not simply by toggling between the All and Accounted categories on the top right corner of the view.


If you are loking for a specific invoice you can also use the seach box on top of the page to qiuckly access it.

Deleting invoices

If you wish to delete an invoice you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Open the invoices editor by clicking on the invoice you want to delete;
  2. Click on See advanced options;
  3. Click on Delete invoice;
