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RevasOS configuration checklist.

On this page you will find a checklist for optimal configuration of RevasOS, it is a page designed for administrators who have complete control of the system. To learn more read the super-admin page.

This checklist is a collection of best practices to keep in mind when configuring RevasOS for your organization to ensure the highest performance.

Resource Creation
In this section you will find neatly collected all the pages of documentation related to resource creation, divided by application. This way you will be able to focus on the applications that are needed by your organization.

Once administrators have configured teams and permissions most RevasOS applications do not need any additional initial set up.

Applications that need specific resource creation by administrators and super admins are:

  • Timesheets: for the configuration you can follow the dedicated configuration guide where you will learn how to create time sheets and timesheets for your human resources;
  • Time stamps: for the configuration you can follow the dedicated configuration guide where you will learn how to enable users to time stamps and setup time stamp security levels;
Identity and Organization (IAM)
In this section you will find information on how to create your organization in RevasOS, configure which collaborators have super administrator privileges, and manage access policies effectively.

The creation of the organization will be handled by the Revas team who will prepare it when you first log in. You will still need to configure collaborator permissions and manage super administrators. To learn more about how super-administrators work you can read the dedicated page.

Also crucial is configuring access policies, to fully understand what these are you can read the dedicated page. While for their optimal configuration you can read the guide on how to manage access policies. You can also consult the best practices for managing permissions.

Users and Groups
In this section you will find information on how best to add collaborators and organize them into groups (teams).

The concept of contact is very important in RevasOS, you can learn more about it in the dedicated page. You can read more about the group concept in the dedicated page instead.

Once you have an understanding of the concepts you can create groups in RevasOS that best reflect your organization by following the dedicated quick start guide and proceed to add collaborators by following the dedicated guide.

Administrative Access
In this section you will find information on how to create administrator groups with access to the maximum degree needed for the different applications in RevasOS to best reflect the structure of your organization.

To best confugure your organization on RevasOS you will need to identify users or user groups to be assigned administrator and super administrator privilege for the apps. We recommend that you create permission policies that are managed at the administrator group level and not at the individual collaborator level to make it more agile for your collaborators to change roles should it be necessary in the future. The procedure for assigning administrator privileges remains essentially the same for individuals and groups, you can learn more by reading the dedicated configuration guide.

In this section you will find information regarding the configuration of collaborators' access to applications.

As with super administrators and administrators' accesses, collaborators with specific tasks will also need operational privileges on the corresponding applications in RevasOS. Managing permissions at the group (team) level will greatly streamline the orpations needed to move human resources from one group to another and make sure that all team members have the necessary permissions to perform their tasks in RevasOS from the start.

If you want to know how to create groups and manage their privilege policies you can refer to the dedicated guide.


If you did not find the solution in the documentation and need further assistance, you can contact our team via email
