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Understanding roles

Roles are the best way to easily organize all permissions and access to the system. In fact, RevasOS has thousands of different permissions to control in an extremely granular way the power of every collaborator in the organization.

Some permissions may be for example (a) to edit a contact, (b) to create a new website, (c) to permanently delete a project.

All this granularity comes at a cost of very high complexity, so it is necessary to organize these permissions into roles to allow easy use by system administrators.

Some roles may be for example (a) a contact editor possesses permission to edit a contact (along with other permissions), (b) website administrator possesses permission to create a new web site.

The complete definition of all roles and associated permissions for the organization is available in the system administration console.

Basic roles

Basic roles are the most powerful roles in the entire system and allow easy use of roles and permissions. These roles are especially recommended for organizations with up to 10 collaborators or that do not have a dedicated or experienced system administrator.

The basic roles are (1) owner, which allows total access to all system resources with the exception of functions dedicated to the system administrator (super admin), (b) editor, which allows access to most resources and their modification, (c) viewer, which allows access to most resources in view-only mode with no possibility of modification.

Default roles

Default roles are the ultimate choice for experienced system administrators. These roles are not modifiable and are defined by individual applications, more details of these roles are available in the system administrator console or in this documentation in the "roles and permissions" sections of each application.

For example, the contacts application has available roles (a) "contact administrator ", which allows sensitive operations such as total import or export of all database data, (b) "contact editor ", which allows editing of contacts, and (c) "contact viewer ", which allows viewing all contacts without being able to edit them.
