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Understand the concept of Task in RevasOS

A task in RevasOS is a system entry for a single action or activity that neeeds to be done. It represents the minimum element of a project. Tasks in RevasOS can be completed with infos such as:

  • Due date;
  • Working status;
  • Workload estimate;
  • Assignee contact;

All tasks vs My tasks

In the Tasks app you will see that tasks are split up in all tasks and my tasks. The main differences in the two views are:

  • All tasks: here you will find all tasks that are being worked on in the organization. This section might also contain tasks that have not been assigned to you;


the All tasks section is only available if you have the Admin permissions.

  • My tasks: here you will find a list of all tasks that have been assigned to you, this section might include both tasks created by you and by others.


When creating a task in the My tasks view this task will automaticcally be assigned to you.


If you want to know more about the differences between the various task statuses please read the understand task status page.
