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How-to filter tasks in the Tasks app

RevasOS Tasks offers you advanced filtering options in order for you to be able to see your tasks in lists that actually help your workflow.

All tasks view filters

To access this view click on All tasks in the left sidebar.


The All tasks section is only available if you have Projects admin permissions.

The All tasks view of the Tasks app lets you see all the tasks of the organization, also the ones not assigned to you. In this view the filtering options can be accessed through the drop down menus in the top bar and are:

  • Status filtering: this let's you filter the tasks by showing you only the tasks with the selected statuses;
  • Group by: with this menu you can choose how to display the tasks in the list. Either by due date, status or by assignee.

My tasks filters

The My tasks view of the Tasks app lets you see all the tasks that have been assigned to you. In this view the filtering options can be accessed through the drop down menus in the top bar and are:

  • Status filtering: this let's you filter the tasks by showing you only the tasks with the selected statuses;
  • Group by: with this menu you can choose how to display the tasks in the list. Either by due date or by satus.


In both views if you want to find a specific task you can use the built-in search engine with the Search bar in the top of the page.
