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Add roles to a collaborator


In order to use this part of the system you need to be a super admin. To get more informations abut how to manage super admins in RevasOS you can read the manage super admins guide.

Before you begin:

In order to follow this quick start guide you must have an organization in RevasOS and be a collaborator with super admin permissions. You can add permissions to your collaborator or add another collaborator and configure that collaborator's access.

Edit access policies

Enter the management console for system administrators. You can find the Admin app in the store.

  1. Click on the Login Policy item in the side menu, you will find the section on collaborator/team connections and their roles;
  2. Click in the upper right on Add Collaborator and search for the collaborator's name as listed in the organization's collaborator section;
  3. Add the roles necessary for the collaborator to perform their activities using add role. The Owner role allows total access over all applications except for functions related to the super administrator;
  4. Save the newly created access policy with Save;

In the best practices for roles and permissions page you can find some of the models you can use to optimize the management of roles and avoid having to assign the to each collaborator by using the team managements capabilities of RevasOS.


New access policies may take up to 15 minutes to fully propagate throughout the system.

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