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How-to export an Expense report

The Reimbursements app in RevasOS allows you to export your Expense reports in varipus formats so that you can produce a physical copy of the report if needed.


  • If you have the admin role you will be able to export other contacts' reports too.
  • This operation can only be done via desktop.

Export a single Expense report

To export an Expense report simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Reimbursements app in your RevasOS environment;
  2. Selects My Expense reports (or All Expense Reports if available) from the left sidebar;
  3. Select the Expense report you want to export;
  4. Click on Export PDF or Export XLS, Export CVS or Export JSON depending on the file type you prefer;

PDF files will be generated by our system and sent via email to the address you used to register in RevasOS.
