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Optimize your content

Quality content is both important for the end user experience and for search result relevance. RevasOS is highly focused on optimizing all of the under the hood experiences of your websites, giving you the most optimal canvas to display your content. In this page you will understand how to think of content that shines both in quality and relevance to your users.

Think about the content you want on your page

There are some things that are always worth thinking about before creating content for a web page:

  • What is the purpose of the page?
  • Who is it for?
  • Is it accessbile by everyone?
  • What type of content is the most suitable for my message?

Keeping these questions in mind will be the key to creating quality content that serves a specific purpose and ultimately guides the user in the navigation of you webiste and services.

Optimize text

By using text-type content you are able to convey a great deal of indomration to a user but there are some things to keep in mind in order to make this content type as high-quality as possibile.

On a web page text blocks usually follow a somewhat standard structure being composed of a heading and a body. Here it is important to make the right use of headings indicating what the content that follows will be about and enticing the user in engaging with the content. It is also crucial to understand that the web has a significantly different type of approach by the user from printed media and that lenghty texts tend to perform worse. You can still provide all the essential information by using different sections that will visally be more appealing to the user and will make for a better experience in finding the content at need.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do when adding text to yor website is to use the right language and tone. Remember who the user will be and use language and terms that are familiar to them, in order to help them navigate through the information on th website and help them reach a decision and take action. It has been proven that by using a proper language that is easilly understandable and recognizable by the user results in a much higher organic traffick on the website.

Optimize media

RevasOS does most of the optimizing for media-type content by default but it is still crucial to only use high-qiality media and optimize for accessibility. The main important thing to do when optimizing accessibility of media on a website is to add alternate text. This should not be confused with the caption of the media as the purpose of alternate text is to make media available to users who might not be able to consume it otherwise. A quality alternate text describes the media in the best way possile by painting a mental picture using text. By having quality alternate text the search engines will favor your page in spite of other in their search results page.
