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Understand what is SEO


On this page you will find the general concepts to understand what is meant by SEO, if you want to connect your website to the Google Search Console please read the Connect oyur website to Google search console guide.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs) through the use of various techniques and strategies. The aim of SEO is to drive more organic traffic to a website by improvign its relevance to specific seatch terms or topics. This can be achieved by optimizing various aspects of the website, ranging from more technical elements to more basic and content-oriented ones.

Technical SEO

The more technical side of SEO includes things such as website speed optimization, device optimization (making sure the website fits on all type of screens), indexability and schema markup (adding structured data to a website to provide additional information to a search engine).

All of the SEO good practices for technical optimization are taken care of by RevasOS by default, giving you a website that already has all the updated standard for SEO.

Basic SEO ⭐️

Basic SEO refers to a more content-oriented approach on SEO and can often be referred to as on-page optimization. By optimizing the content and the structure of a page you can make it more relevant and accessible to both search engines and users.

The first and most important thing to know and keep in mind in quality content optimization is to use keywords that are relevant to your users and that can be easilly found on a search engine resulting in a positive user experience overall. As well as quality search engines also reward content structure adn internal linking. Making sure all of your pages follow a logical structure that is easilly navigable by a user will also help search engines indicize your web page and make it readily available on their search results.


If yow want to know how to optimize your content to make sure that it is SEO compliant, please read the optimize yor content guide.
