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Create new teams


In order to use this part of the system you need to be a super admin. To get more oinformations abut how to manage super admins ins RevasOS you can read the manage super admins guide.

Creating teams that represent internal groups within the organization is the best way to help you in quickly assigning roles and permissions and particular resources. Teams should best reflect internal logical separations.

Before you begin:

In order to follow this quick start guide, you must have an organization in RevasOS and be a collaborator with super admin privileges.

Create a new team

Enter the management console for system administrators. You can find the Admin app in the store.

  1. Click in the side menu on the Teams item, you will find a list of all the teams in the organization;
  2. Click in the upper right corner on New Team;
  3. In the Team Name box, enter the name of the team you are creating (e.g., "Human Resources"). You can add an optional description in the Team Description box;
  4. Click the Add Team button to add the team to the organization.

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