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Confiugre timesheets settings

Before you start:

To use this part of the system you must have the Timesheet and attendance manager permissions to edit the settings of the timesheet and lock time entries. If you want to know more you can read the how to manage access policies guide.

Currently, in order to activate a timesheet that contains time entries input by coworkers, you need to send a request to RevasOS support at

Time entry input and edit lock

With this setting you can lock both the input of new time entries and the editing of existing time entries before a specified date.

By inputting a date in the Time entry lock date and clicking on Save all time entries before that date will be locked and will be inpossile to edit or delete. You will not be able to add new ones if their date is before the lock date.

Under the Set up automatic lock rules there is a drop-down menu with all the available lock rules. To set them up contact RevasOS support at

Reporting lock

With this setting you can lock the linkging of tasks to time entries. By inputting the date in the Lock reporting before field and clicking Save you can lock all reporting functionf for time entries before that date.

Under the Set up automatic lock rules field there is a drop-down menu with all the available lock rules. To set them up contact RevasOS support at


If you want to know more about the different types of reporting in RevasOS you can read the simple and advanced reporting page.


With this settign you can set up rules for how the system rounds up the time entries to reflect the organization specific policies.

A start and finish time entry can be rounded up in the following ways:

  • by excess,
  • by default,
  • to the nearest

In addition, it is possible to define a rounding interval to be enforced by the different rounding methods. For example, with a rounding interval of 5 minutes, each rounding will follow multiples of five.

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