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Visualize the monthly report

This guide will show you how to quickly visualize the general report of the time entries you input in the timesheet. If you activated the Human Resources functions you will be also able see the hours balance compared with your work hours, otherwise you will see the statistics from your timesheet.

Before you start:

To be able to generate and see reports you need to have already created an organization in RevasOS and have the necessary roles and permissions. For more info you can read the roles and permissions page.

Visualize the general report of the timesheet

To visualize the report follow these steps:

  1. Open the Timesheets app in your RevasOS environment;
  2. Click on My report from the left sidebar on a desktop device or on the third icon form the bottom on mobile. If you do not see this option it means that you do not have the necessary permissions;
  3. Select the desired time frame using the From and To fields or by selecting Today, This month or Last month form the Quick filters menu;

It is possible to see day by day the total balance of hours and total hours of absence. All the global statistics of the report are also available in the Hours balance column.

Download the smatphone app (optional)

To know how to download the mobile app please read the download the mobile app guide.
