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Add and report time entries

Before you start:

To use this part of the system you must have the folowing permissions:

  • Timesheet user permission to create and edt your timesheets:
  • Timesheet and attendance manager to see, edit and create timesheets for all the collaborators; If you want to know more you can read the how to manage access policies guide.


The Timesheets app can also be used via mobile, if you want to learn how to intall the mobile app please follow the mobile app installation guide.

Add a new time entry

New attendance ⭐️

You can add a new attendance both from the My time entries and the Calendar views. Only users with the Timesheets and attendances managaer permission can create attendances for others.

To add a new attendance follow these steps:

From a desktop device

  1. In the My time entries view click on the New attendance button; In the Calendar view click on the empty space where you can insert the attendance;
  2. Insert the descriprion and the time and date in the Start and Finish fields (use the fromat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS). At this point you can also add a linked task and a workplace;
  3. Click Save;

If you are creating a attendance for someone else you can search and input the contact in the Contact bar on top of the page.

From a mobile device

  1. Open the Timesheets app from your homescreen or at the link;
  2. Either in the My time entries or the Calendar view tap on the + button;
  3. Select Attendance from the pop-up panel;
  4. Insert the descriprion and the time and date in the Start and Finish fields. At this point you can also add a linked task and a workplace;
  5. Click Save;

New absence

New absences can be added only from the My time entries view. Only users with the Timesheets and attendance manager permissions can add absences for others.

To add a new absence follow these steps:

From a desktop device

  1. Click on the New absence button;
  2. Insert the descriprion and the time and date in the Start and Finish fields (use the fromat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) and select the absence type;
  3. Click Save;

If you are creating an absence for someone else you can search and input the contact in the Contact bar on top of the page.

From a mobile device

  1. Open the Timesheets app from your homescreen or at the link;
  2. Either in the My time entries or the Calendar view tap on the + button;
  3. Select Absence from the pop-up panel;
  4. Insert the descriprion and the time and date in the Start and Finish fields (use the fromat DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) and select the absence type;
  5. Click Save;

Report a time entry or an attendance

In order to be reported a time entry needs to be linked to a task. You can link a task both when creating a time entry and by editing an existing time entry as long as it was not locked by the admin.

Further reading

RevasOS alows you to do both a simple and an advanced reporting. To know more read the simple and advanced reporting page.

To link a task to a time entry you can follow these guides:

Link a task to a new time entry

To link a task to a time entry when creating it follow these steps:

From a desktop device

  1. Click on the New attendance button either from the My time entries or the Calendar view;
  2. Insert the time entry's data;
  3. Selct a task from the Link a task drop down menu;
  4. Click Save;

From a mobile device

  1. Click on the + button either from the My time entries or the Calendar view;
  2. Insert the time entry's data;
  3. Search for a task by using the Link a task textbox;
  4. Click on the task you want to add to the attendance;
  5. Click Save;


  • When creating a time entry you can only do simple reporting. to instead do advanced reporting you can edit the time entry after it has been created.
  • Only tasks that are included in the time frame of the time entry can be linked to the time entry.

Link a task to an existing time entry

If a time entry has already been added and it is not locked you can link tasks in order to do both simple and advanced reporting.

To do simple reporting (linking one task) follow these steps:

  1. Click on the time entry you want to report either from the My time entries or the Calendar view;
  2. Select a task from the drop down menu under the Link a task field;
  3. Click Save;

To do advanced reporting (linking more than one tasks) follow these steps:

  1. Click on the time entry you want to report either from the My time entries or the Calendar view;
  2. Click on See advanced options;
  3. Click on Advanced reporting;
  4. You will see a list of the tasks assigned to you in the time frame of the time entry. You can specify the exact ammount of time worked on every task;
  5. Click Save;

This will have created one new time entry for all the tasks you specified.


To do advanced reporting to a time entry that has already a task linked you m ust first remove the link first.

Send us feedback

If the guides were unhelpful, you did not find what you were looking for, or they are unclear and could not be understood, we would appreciate hearing from you so we can improve the documentation. Send your feedback to
