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Understanding the concept of budget line in RevasOS

In RevasOS budget lines are a way to monitor financial resources of a project. RevasOS allows you to create budget lines for all the anticipated costs of a project and to set them in the time frame in which they will actually be used. This allows for a more accurate budget monitoring than other competitors.

Budget line time frame

When creating a budget line it is a good practice to add a time frame for when the budget line will be relevant. By adding the time frame the overall status of the project's budget health will be more accurate as it will not show negative health for budget lines not yet in use.

Different budget lines in the same project

One project can have multiple budget lines as they are best used to divide expenses and revenus in different categories so to give you a more detailed perspective on the different financial areas of the projects and make the needed adjustments.

General expenses budget line

After activating the budgeting functions in a project RevasOS creates automatically the General expenses budget line. This is intended as a comodity and can be used if the project does not require a complex budget control. But it is a good practice to delete it and replace it with all the budget lines a project might need as using only the General expenses budget line does not help in monitoring the finantial health of a project.


If you want to know how to set up budget lines in RevasOS please read the budgeting guide.
