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Operations on projects in RevasOS

In this guide you will learn how to operate, customize and handle projects inside RevasOS.

Seeing all projects and my projects

When opening the Projects app inside RevasOS you will be met with the general Dashboard that includes two main sections you can access form the left side bar:

  • All projects, showing all of the organization's projects;
  • My projects, showing only projects tht include a task that has been allocated to you;

Using the top bar of the page both of these views can be further filtered into their different statuses:

  • All: showing all projects regardless of their status;
  • In progress: showing all projects that are currently being worked on;
  • Planned: showing all projects that are planned but not yet being worked on;
  • Stopped: showing all projects that were started and then halted without being completed;
  • Finished: showing all projects that have been completed;
  • Archived: showing all projects that have been archived; If you want to easilly find a specific project you can also use the Search bar in the top.left corner of the Dashboard.


To better understand what is meant in RevasOS by All projects and My projects please read the project concept page.

Create a new project

To create a new project from the Projects' app Dashboard follow these steps:

  1. Click on the + New project button;
  2. In the pop-up window insert the project's title.

    In this phase you can also decide to add a project description and assign the project to a commissioner form your contacts list;

  3. Select a status from the drop-down menu:
    • Planned: for projects that have not yet started,
    • Ongoing: for projects that are active,
    • Halted: for projects that are not ongoing but are not finished,
    • Finished: for completed projects;
  4. Insert the start and finish date for the project.
  5. Click on Create project;

Export projects **⭐️**

With the RevasOS Projects app you can quickly export a list of all your projects, to do so follow these steps:

  1. Select Operations form the left sidebar in the main Projects app's Dashboard;
  2. Click on Export projects;
  3. Select the status of the projects you want to be exported;
  4. Click either on Export XLSX or Export CSV depending on the type of file you prefer;

Change the status of a project

If you wish to change the status of a project in RevasOS simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the project you want to edit form the Projects app's Dashboard;
  2. Click on Settings in the left sidebar of the project-specific dashboard;
  3. Click on General info on the menu that appears;
  4. Click on the Status field and select the new status;
  5. Click Save in the bottom-left corner;


From this view you can also change all the other project's info such as start and due date and commissioner.

Duplicate, archive and delete a project

In RevasOS projects can be duplicated if you need to create batches of similar projects. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Select Operations form the left sidebar of the project-specific dashboard;
  2. Click on Duplicate;
  3. Insert the new infos;
  4. Click on Duplicate project;

If you want to archive a project because it is no longer relevant in the organization but you still want to keep historic records of it you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Select Operations form the left sidebar of the project-specific dashboard;
  2. Click on Archive;
  3. Click on Archive project;

If you wish to delete a project you can do so by following thse steps:


This operation cannot be undone.

  1. Select Operations form the left sidebar of the project-specific dashboard;
  2. Click on Delete;
  3. Insert DELETE in the textbox;
  4. Click on Delete project;
